Friday 13 February 2009

Today we'd like to showcase a new blog run by our colleagues in Europe, the Google Conversion Room. Visit the Conversion Room for more tips on boosting sales, leads and conversion performance on your website using Google tools.

You can read about implementing and using Google Analytics, Website Optimizer and AdWords conversion tools. The blog highlights upcoming events and trainings in Europe and includes features from industry experts and guest bloggers.

Below we've highlighted a recent post that we think you'll find interesting. In it, Brian O'Sullivan, Google Analytics Specialist, talks about the importance of measuring Key Performance Indicators in Google Analytics to better measure and exceed your business objectives.
Why not sign up to the Conversion Room site feed so you don't miss out on any future posts! In the meantime, we'll try and give you some of the highlights here on the Google Analytics blog. For foreign language resources, you can also check out the French and Japanese versions of the Google Analytics blog

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