Sunday 15 June 2014

We are pleased to welcome you to the official Google Analytics blog. Now you can stay up to date on the latest info posted by the Google Analytics team. You'll learn about product changes as we make them, whether it's a new feature you’ve asked for, or a fix for something that needed fixing. We’ll let you know when we add new reports (see below) and will ask for your feedback too. And we’ll frequently post tips and best practices, as well as spotlight helpful resources such as Conversion University and the Google Analytics Help Center.

Expect to see posts from a variety of people on our team. Sometimes they'll be informal and brief; others will be more structured. We hope you'll find all of them useful.

And now for our first product update (which you may have already noticed): there is a new report in Google Analytics called AdWords Analysis.

You can see it within your Analytics reports now (located in Marketing Optimization-->Search Engine Marketing).

The AdWords Analysis report was released two weeks ago and shows you the ROI for every Campaign, Ad Group, and keyword in your AdWords account. You may find it useful as you monitor and optimize your Ad Groups and keywords. In order to get the full benefit of this report, you’ll need to link your AdWords account with your Analytics account and have auto-tagging turned on.

Enjoy, and subscribe to the feed, or visit often to learn about updates like this within hours of their creation.