Wednesday 21 May 2008

Lunametrics is a Google Analytics Authorized Consultant led by Robbin Steif, one of the board members of the Web Analytics Association. She and her team are leading a day of training called "Getting Ahead with Google Analytics" in New York City, June 4 at the Harvard Club - see the agenda or register here.

This is going to be a fun and informative training if I know Robbin (which I do) geared towards the online marketer, analyst or webmaster. Her team will touch on how to set up Google Analytics, and then take a practical deep dive where you'll learn how to get insight from all the data within Google Analytics, as well as how to optimize your online marketing and how to test and create a testing culture. They're offering some breakout sessions and different tracks so you can learn the stuff that's most valuable to you. Take a look at the topics that will be covered:
  • How to get actionable data out of your analytics
  • How to use your analytics to understand where your users are having trouble
  • Which little-used but valuable features of Google Analytics will shine light on special opportunities
  • How to decrease your AdWords spend (and increase your conversions)
  • How to use Google Website Optimizer to increase your conversion rate
  • How to get everyone in the company to love their data
  • How to set up profiles, filters, goals, cross-domain tracking and user defined variables.
