Monday 19 May 2008

Seminars for Success are day-long seminars designed to help you improve your online marketing and get the most out of Google Analytics (separately offered for AdWords as well). We've selected industry professionals from our Google Analytics Authorized Consultant network to teach these seminars in cities around the U.S.

You can take an introductory seminar or an advanced seminar or both. They are being offered consecutive days for your convenience.
  • The "Introduction and User Training" course is designed to provide high level overview of Google Analytics and will cover key features and reports. It's perfect for a marketer or account manager who is interested in learning more about how Google Analytics works and who wants to understand how to use the information in reports to make decisions about online marketing, website traffic analysis, and website optimization.

  • The "Advanced and Technical Implementation" course is for those who need hands on implementation training. You'll learn how to install Google Analytics on your site, whether you're running an e-commerce store, tracking branding, rich internet applications, leads generation, or more. You'll learn how to optimally set up Google Analytics to get the types of information that you need.
Both classes will include an introduction to Google Website Optimizer.

Register here or see dates and locations, also below. We will let you know when future dates have been added.

- Introduction and User Training Seminar, May 26
- Advanced Technical Implementation Seminar, May 27

- Introduction and User Training Seminar, June 2
- Advanced Technical Implementation Seminar, June 3

- Introduction and User Training Seminar, June 24
- Advanced Technical Implementation Seminar, June 25
