Tuesday 17 March 2015

Google's enterprise team has just released an update to the Google Mini that features integration with Google Analytics. The Google Mini is a hardware and software solution that businesses use to search internal corporate data, as well as public websites. By adding integration with Google Analytics, the Mini just became an even better solution for searching public websites. By adding Analytics tracking code into the search results, the Mini's administrator can understand what visitors are searching for and whether searchers are able to find the information they need. Previously Mini owners had to manually customize their search results to include tracking code, and the new integration makes this process much easier.

To configure a Google Mini to use Google Analytics, an admin need only set the Google Analytics account number inside of the Mini's administrative interface. The output format of the search results will automatically include the JavaScript that Google Analytics uses to study a user's navigation across your website.

Learn more about the mini and Google's enterprise search solutions, and buy the mini at the Google Store.