Tuesday 28 May 2013

The following is a guest post by Benjamin Mangold, Search & Analytics Director at Loves Data, a Google Analytics Certified Partner.

The Google Analytics User Conference is back in Australia for 2013, hosted by Google Analytics Certified Partners. This year the conference will be held in both Sydney and Melbourne.

Join local and international Google Analytics experts in Sydney on 19 June and Melbourne on 21 June. Google’s own Analytics Advocate, Justin Cutroni is returning as keynote speaker to present his expert advice and insights into Universal Analytics, a great new Google Analytics feature for onsite measurement across desktops, smartphones and tablets, and even the physical aspects of offline campaigns such as loyalty cards and billboards!

After the sold-out success of the conference last year, Loves Data is keeping the momentum going with a great speaker line-up of Google Analytics experts from the US, Singapore and Australia, a special slot on YouTube Analytics and marketing and technical slots by experts from industry. View the conference program and check out the conference speakers.

Topics include:
  • Attribution modelling
  • Multi-screen measurement
  • Driving action with dashboards
  • Leveraging online and offline data
  • YouTube Analytics
Book your conference ticket today before it’s sold out.

For conference updates follow Loves Data on Google+.

Posted by Benjamin Mangold, Google Analytics Certified Partner
