Tuesday 12 June 2012

The following is a guest post contributed by Phil Kemelor, VP of Strategic Analytics at Semphonic, a Google Analytics Certified Partner.

Back in 2010, the analytics team here at Semphonic and the talented group of analysts who attended our annual X Change conference were looking for fun ways to contribute their skills to the non-profit community, as well as leverage the amazing expertise that convenes during X Change each fall. The result was the Non-Profit Analytics Challenge.

This program selects two non-profit organizations from the pool of applicants, and provides them with GA experts from Semphonic to audit and improve their use of Google Analytics. Then, during our conference, the analysts in attendance donate their time and expertise to dig for insights and provide actionable recommendations based on their analysis.

Last years’ winners were Oceana and United Way of the Bay Area. We recently held a webinar to discuss and share how they applied what they had learned through the challenge. They discussed how the analyses helped them achieve real goals, such as boosting donations, spending their marketing budgets more effectively, and getting more engagement in their programs.  It was a great conversational session, which you can view here: How Non-Profits Get Results with Web Analytics

This also led to our publishing  The Non-Profit Organization Guide to Using Google Analytics to Improve Branding, Donations and Member Activity,  a toolkit of ways to improve content strategy and digital strategy through focused use of Google Analytics and other tools.  

How You Can Participate
We’re currently looking for the next two non-profit organizations that will be featured in the Non-Profit Challenge. The application process is open now and goes until June 30. If you’re a non-profit that could benefit from some free, expert analysis on your web data, then we hope you’ll apply!

Posted by Jesse Nichols, Google Analytics Partner Program Manager