Monday 22 February 2010

This is the sixth edition of Web Analytics TV with with a dash of Nick and Nash! In this series you share your most burning questions via the Google Analytics Google Moderator site and we answer them! And, here is the list of last weeks questions.

We love hearing from you and thank all the folks who rated last weeks comments.

In this episode we discuss:
  • What you can do if you get spammed pageviews in your Analytics Account.
  • How to collect ecommerce tracking variables on 3rd party shopping carts.
  • Issues with maintaining campaign information with 3rd party shopping carts.
  • How do links from competitors show up in your referring sources site?
  • How to find Singapore in the Google Analytics map overlay.
  • How to see referring URLs in the campaign report.
  • How Google Analytics treats conversions from multiple sources in the same visit.
  • Why certain referrals like search can have a number of pageviews but 0 visits.
  • Computing page influence to conversion and the Google Analytics $Index metric.
  • How events effect and sometimes lower the bounce rate.

Here are links to resources we discussed in the video:If you found this helpful, we'd love to hear your comments.

If you have a question you would like us to answer, please submit a question or vote for your favorite question in our public Google Moderator site. Avinash and I will answer them in a couple of weeks with yet another Nick and Nash video.


Posted by Nick Mihailovski, Google Analytics Team
