Friday 24 July 2009

A few weeks ago, we mentioned some Google Analytics and Website Optimizer focused tweets that you can follow. Well now, as you can see if you glance over to the "Subscribe" section on the right, we've got an official Google Analytics Twitter account. Follow us at

Here are some of our latest tweets:

GA Tip in 140Char: Segment regions in the Map Overlay report by Keyword to see regional search trends
4:44 PM Jul 22nd from web

@drumFunny For optional parameters that have no values you can use an empty string. More here:
3:25 PM Jul 22nd from web in reply to drumFunny

@redduck666 Requested duly noted Almir. Thank you.
3:15 PM Jul 22nd from web in reply to redduck666

@thegrif Segmented sums do not equal the non segmented sum. Each dimension could have some overlap.
3:14 PM Jul 22nd from web in reply to thegrif

Want to learn more about GA? Google Analytics Learning Resources Roundup: Enjoy!
2:28 PM Jul 8th from web

One of the easiest & fun guides to setting up Goals & Funnels: Bonus points for setting up goal values.
5:25 PM Jul 6th from web

New Google Website Optimizer feature added today, it automagically stops showing poorly performing combos:
3:57 PM Jul 6th from TweetDeck

Ever wonder how to use Google Analytics and Website Optimizer together? Watch the quick new shiny video:
5:48 PM Jul 2nd from TweetDeck