Tuesday 23 June 2009

Our good friend John Marshall just posted this Facebook status update: "cycling to work this morning I hear the birds twittering. Instinctively I wonder if they should be doing something more productive."
Lol, John. He's referring to twitter.com and the fact that with it, your opportunities to waste time have increased. Anyone following Ashton Kutcher? Consider this recent tweet:

you are the man @tonyhawk skates the halls of the white house http://twitpic.com/7sx4j

Actually, that is kinda cool. Definitely a good way to waste time if you want to. =) And we appreciate how Twitter has been a powerful force in the current Iranian election. It's a novel and intimate way to broadcast - and even moreso to listen - many to many.

If you work with and love web analytics like John does and we do, then following some tweets from thought leaders in the industry will keep you on the forefront of what's going with your favorite products. It's an energizing and quick way to connect and engage, in 140 characters or less. Here are a few Google Analytics and Google Website Optimizer-related tweets from last week along with some of their latest and greatest posts.

Brett Crosby
Google Analytics Group Product Marketing Manager
Twitter bio: "One man brand"
  • New Aberdeen report, Google Analytics wins enterprise: http://bit.ly/HK3RY
    9:13 AM Jun 22nd from web

  • New Google Analytics website launched, what do you think? http://www.google.com/analytics (retweet all you want)
    about 15 hours ago from web
  • Google Analytics cost data issue fixed, no longer in "direct": http://bit.ly/18eGbk
    about 20 hours ago from web

  • Now use Conversion Optimizer with Google Analytics goals: http://analytics.blogspot.com/2009/06/import-your-google-analytics-goals-into.html
    10:45 PM Jun 17th from web

  • RT @avinashkaushik 2 say the downside of free tools is U have 2 invest in people is wrong. Paid tools with Analysts? Free tools=more $ 4 U.
    11:01 AM Jun 17th from web

  • How to visually explain analytics to the world: http://bit.ly/1p1U0J
    10:26 PM Jun 15th from web

  • @DennisMortensen sounds like it is going to be extremely entertaining... esp'ly if you end up having to do it in your underwear.
    9:30 PM Jun 15th from web in reply to DennisMortensen

Avinash Kaushik
twitter.com/avinashkaushik (@avinashkaushik)
Analytics Evangelist, Google
Twitter bio: "Author - Web Analytics: An Hour A Day | Analytics Evangelist - Google | Co-Founder - Market Motive Inc"
  • Want to improve conversion rates? Consider following Seth Godin's specific advice for ecommerce: http://tr.im/p4SL
    about 3 hours ago from web

  • Hurray! Auto-tagged Google paid search campaigns move back fm Direct 2 the Search report: http://tr.im/p4vp Thanks Phil!
    about 3 hours ago from web

  • [And this is in NYC!] What is a Browser? Video, 3 mins http://tr.im/oYTe
    about 14 hours ago from web

  • "Simplicity good. But simple it is not." - Yoda.
    about 21 hours ago from web

  • @links4legends You could set them up as separate sources http://tr.im/oYPH and then segment them as normal. Pls try it.
    about 22 hours ago from web in reply to links4legends

  • Just look at it... http://tr.im/oYc0 Its the most perfect gorgeous day in San Francisco. I love this city!
    about 24 hours ago from web

  • The best free e-book on Web Analytics+Testing+Usability, 30 pages: http://tr.im/oT6x So simple ur grandma will love it!
    9:18 AM Jun 18th from web

  • This is cool web analytics: The 50 most frequently looked-up words on nytimes.com in 2009: http://tr.im/oSQf
    11:38 PM Jun 17th from web

Trevor Claiborne
twitter.com/tclaiborne (@tclaiborne)
Google Website Optimizer Product Marketing Manager
Twitter bio: "Product Marketing Manager for Google Website Optimizer and a nice guy too"
  • Free new AdWords interface webinar today at 11 AM PDT. Register here: http://bit.ly/1kePS
    about 6 hours ago from web

  • Holy crap - RT @MotivityCMS: Google Website Optimizer Increases Conversion 591% http://ow.ly/eH8e. I love #gwo
    10:02 PM Jun 17th from TweetDeck

  • @oggy Sure it can. Are you doing an A/B or an MVT test? Happy to walk you through it if you DM an email address.
    4:15 PM Jun 16th from web in reply to oggy

  • @waynepelletier What issue are you seeing? And have you read this: http://bit.ly/VBYWL? GA and GWO should play nicely together.
    10:06 AM Jun 11th from web in reply to waynepelletier

  • RT @josh_baker Interpreting Google Website Optimizer’s Page Sections Report http://tinyurl.com/quasvf #GWO #optimization - Nice post!
    10:17 AM Jun 4th from web

  • In Seattle for #SMX. Come to my session Deep Dive into the New AdWords Interface tomorrow at 11.Also at the Google booth for #GWO
    1:11 PM Jun 1st from web

Justin Cutroni
twitter.com/justincutroni (@justincutroni)
Google Analytics Authorized Consultant with Epikone and author of Google Analytics Shortcut
Twitter bio: "Dad, husband, skiier, hiker, cook, data nerd, author."
  • Are you an @avinashkaushik fan? Are you a Timbuk2 fan? Check out their new bag: http://tr.im/nTO8 How about a discount Avinash? :)
    6:21 AM Jun 9th from tr.im

  • @BrainsOnFire Try creating an INCLUDE filter to only include traffic from your home country.
    1:49 PM Jun 3rd from TweetDeck in reply to BrainsOnFire

  • What it's like to be the Comcast's Twitter guru. Could you handle 6,000 email a month + 30,000 tweets? http://tr.im/njlb
    11:17 AM Jun 3rd from tr.im
  • Ok, I'm a fan of using new media (Utube) 2 drive innovative marketing ideas.But I think this might be going a bit too far! http://tr.im/niXp
    10:01 AM Jun 3rd from tr.im

  • RT @jonathanpb: Podcast catchup #1: my interview with @justincutroni is now posted online #btv http://bit.ly/3iSL Thanks Jonathan!
    5:43 AM Jun 3rd from TweetDeck

  • #GA ToTD:Advanced Segment data sampling sucks.To avoid create different profiles for the segments that you need to measure accurately.
    5:42 AM Jun 3rd from TweetDeck

  • Has anyone used SeeWhy abandonment tracking? Looks like a simple way to follow up on abandoned carts. http://tr.im/ncly
    11:56 AM Jun 2nd from web

  • Went a whole week without any social media. Quiet, but very refreshing. Surprisingly the world has not changed that much :)
    11:33 AM Jun 2nd from web

Bryan Eisenberg
twitter.com/TheGrok (@TheGrok)
Google Website Optimizer Authorized Consultant with FutureNow.
Twitter bio: "Website Conversion, Persuasion Architecture expert and best selling author of Waiting for Your Cat to Bark, Call to Action, and Always Be Testing."
  • Web Analytics and Yellow Lobsters http://tinyurl.com/mr5lt2
    about 8 hours ago from twitterfeed

  • Conversion Rate Exercise: Why Should I Do Business With You? http://tinyurl.com/m6rok7
    4:25 AM Jun 18th from twitterfeed

  • Import web analytics data from Google Analytics in to an Excel spreadsheet http://tr.im/oTQi #wa
    2:15 AM Jun 18th from TweetDeck

  • Bagging the Conversion Elephant: Google Analytics Blog http://tr.im/oQZC
    3:36 PM Jun 17th from TweetDeck

  • Are Your Analytics Causing You to Lose 30% of Your Sales? http://tinyurl.com/lha4sq
    12:24 PM Jun 17th from twitterfeed

  • RT @minethatdata: #IRCE Top 500 Internet Retailers represent 65pct of e-commerce sales. Mercy.
    6:45 AM Jun 17th from TweetDeck

  • RT @Mike_Stelzner: Interesting stats on how much video people watch online: http://bit.ly/srS6L
    6:16 AM Jun 17th from TweetDeck

  • Do you think Twitter will become obsolete?- iMedia connection's Jason Clark does - http://tr.im/owWI
    5:37 AM Jun 15th from TweetDeck

  • The Day the Media Died http://bit.ly/12Le0c
    4:17 AM Jun 14th from TweetDeck
Posted by Jeff Gillis, Google Analytics Team

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