Tuesday 3 March 2009

In today's economic climate, data-driven marketing and website decision making is increasingly important. If you have solid Google Analytics skills, more than ever, your talents are needed. But, even if you're just starting out learning Google Analytics, we have some good news for you.

Beginning today, we are offering an online course in web analytics techniques and Google Analytics implementation, administration, and analysis tools. The course is offered free of charge to everyone who is interested. In addition, we're also offering a test you can take to prove you are qualified in Google Analytics -- the Google Analytics Individual Qualification -- or IQ test.

It costs $50 to take the test. Once you pass, you'll be registered as Google Analytics qualified. You must receive a score of at least 75% to pass, so even if you already consider yourself an expert, be sure to at least review the online course before taking the test.

For more details or to start the course, simply visit ConversionUniversity.com. There's a FAQ with all the details and a link to the Google Analytics IQ test.

Best of luck!

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