Monday 6 October 2008

Take your pick from New York, Phoenix, Columbus, Los Angeles, Seattle, Las Vegas and San Jose! These are full day seminars chock full of information on "how it works" and "how to make it work" for your website. This course is ideal for marketers, web designers, web analysts and anyone who wants to improve their business online.

Analytics Seminars for Success are brought to you by Google authorized Seminar Leaders. These guys eat, live & breath Google Analytics! Hundreds of satisfied people have attended so far. You can attend the Intro day or the Advanced day... or both!

Course materials will be provided to all that attend and you even get a $50 AdWords credit for each session.

So, if you want to improve how you are using Google Analytics, come to one of the upcoming trainings:
Learn more about the topics covered and a full calendar of our sessions at the Analytics and AdWords Seminars for Success page.
