Monday 28 January 2008

This weekend, we added a search box to the Google Analytics site. We rarely blog site changes, but this small enhancement to the site will help in two important ways to create a better visitor experience. First, it lets you, our visitors, quickly find the information you're looking for. Second, thanks to the recent addition of Site Search reporting to Google Analytics, we'll have a better understanding of how we can make the site more useful and relevant to our visitors' needs.

You can add search to your site too. Providing a search box on your site on your site and tracking how people use it is one of the best ways we know of to understand visitor intent. Read this article if you want to learn more about how to leverage the information you get from Google Analytics Site Search reporting. Or, watch this video.

If you are looking for a search box to put on your site, you might consider using the Google Custom Search Engine (both free and paid versions are available).
