Friday 20 July 2007

Last month, we added the first batch of feature enhancements to the new Google Analytics. Today, we're excited to announce that we're adding a few more of your most requested features. The following improvements are available in your account now:

- We've added a "Go to:" box to all reports that have tables so you can jump directly to a specific row. If you have 5,000 referring sources and you want to see row 3,456, you can jump right to it.

- The Map Overlay report view now defaults to Country instead of Subcontinent.

- Content reports now have a Segment menu so you can cross-segment pages and sets of pages by referral source, keyword, visitor type, and other visitor segments.

- Many of you prefer the more readable Content by Title report over the URL-based Content Drilldown and Top Content reports. However, drilling down on a specific title in the Content by Title report hasn't allowed you to find (and therefore analyze and fix) URLs sharing the title. Until today.

You can always review the latest Google Analytics release notes here. Finally, please note that, as of today, the former interface is no longer available. However, the Report Finder tool remains available to help you locate the new versions of your favorite reports.