Wednesday 10 June 2015

Cross-posted on the DoubleClick Advertiser Blog

Modern marketers live in a world that’s dominated by data. Advancements in programmatic buying enable marketers to leverage data and analytics to connect precisely, in real time. Advertisers who are smart about organizing, segmenting, and acting on this data are realizing the benefits of more personalized marketing. BT, a leading telecommunications firm in the UK, did just that and saw fantastic results.  

BT wanted to increase the relevance of their remarketing campaigns by creating more precise audience lists. With the help of their media agency Maxus, BT found that using Google Analytics Premium with DoubleClick Bid Manager offered the ideal solution. 

Google Analytics Premium gave BT the ability to create granular audience segments based on site behavior metrics such as recency, frequency, referral source, and stage of cart abandonment. Once these audience lists were created, the native integration between Google Analytics Premium and DoubleClick Bid Manager meant they could be shared with the platform to make more precise media buys in just a few clicks.

Using Google Analytics Premium with DoubleClick Bid Manager put Maxus and BT in the driver’s seat of their media campaigns. They not only gleaned full transparency with a single customer view and de-duplicated metrics across all channels, but also saw better measurement through unified reporting, and the ability to optimize based on the results.

”Our goals were to build up ‘best practices’ of programmatic display remarketing techniques with a focus on driving post-click sales,” says Alison Thorburn, Head of Digital DR Media at BT. “The DoubleClick suite of products enabled us to do this quickly and efficiently as audience data can be easily organized and utilized.” 

The new analytics-driven approach produced a 69% increase in post-click sales and an 87% reduction in post-click cost per acquisition compared to the previous year’s remarketing activity. It also compared favorably to the remarketing activity that ran simultaneously outside of DoubleClick Bid Manager; post-click sales were 30% higher and post-click cost per acquisition was 42% lower. BT has now consolidated its display remarketing through DoubleClick BidManager.
Read the full case study here.

Posted by-
Kelley Sternhagen, Product Marketing, Google Analytics
Kelly Cox, Product Marketing, DoubleClick

Friday 5 June 2015

Well, SES San Jose 2006 is over, and we had a great time meeting all
of you who stopped by the Google Analytics booth and attended the Google
Dance. Yesterday, there was a panel called "Vendor Chat On
Measuring Success" which included our own Brett Crosby, Senior
Product Marketing Manager for Google Analytics and co-founder of
Urchin. Each of the vendors on the panel were asked to discuss the
various approaches to measuring a website's success -- from
conversions to ROI, from customer inclusion to the idea of
"persuasion" in a discussion of marketing success.

Before the Q & A period, each panelist had five minutes to identify
the most important issue in web analytics. According to Brett, "The
most important thing about web analytics is something our product
doesn't do. And none of the other products do it either."

What is that crucial thing? It's analyzing and then taking action on
your web analytics data. Knowing how to do that makes all the
difference. To properly monitor and analyze your data, Brett suggested
doing one of three things (or some combination of them): analyze
and act on the data yourself; hire a professional services firm; or
hire an in-house analyst.

Regardless of which you choose, you have incredible flexibility with
Google Analytics. If you hire an in-house analyst or if you analyze
the data yourself, you've got many resources including this blog, the
Conversion University, the Help Center, built-in product Help,
and the Google Group. For those who want to hire a professional
services firm, we've got a world class international network of Google
Analytics Authorized Consultants.

We really enjoyed meeting you and look forward to connecting with
even more people using Analytics in the future. Please let us know if
there's anything else you'd like to see from support or marketing or
even from this blog by shooting us an email.